Winter Wonderland in Luxembourg: The Alzette River in Walferdange

The recent days in Luxembourg were particularly freezing cold, with lows as of -13 degrees Celsius. This cold weather came with a lot of snow on the previous days, and followed by beautiful sunny weather. All these elements created a stunning scenery, especially along the rivers.

One of the rivers that looked especially beautiful in the winter was the Alzette. The Alzette is the longest river in Luxembourg, with a length of 73 km. It passes through many places of interest, such as the capital city of Luxembourg, the historic town of Echternach, and the picturesque village of Mullerthal.

The Alzette in Walferdange looked also very icy and reflected the sunlight and the colors of the sky, creating a mesmerizing effect.

Winter in Luxembourg is a time of wonder and beauty, and the Alzette in Walferdange is a perfect example of that.

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