The Tunnel in Walferdange: A Real Improvement Since Four Years

Do you still remember how frustrating it was to be stuck in traffic at the level crossing in Walferdange, waiting for the train to pass? 

Time flies so quickly: the tunnel between Helmsange and Walferdange was inaugurated exactly four years ago on 14 September 2020. 

It was a remarkable engineering feat that took more than two and a half years and 10 million euros to complete. It was a major challenge to build it, because there is a substantial difference of level between the two sides of the railway, and the tunnel had to go under the train rails without affecting the traffic. 

The tunnel has a snail form under the ground, which allows it to adapt to the terrain and the curve of the railway. The tunnel is 25 meters long, 12 meters wide, and 7 meters high.

The tunnel is not only a benefit for the drivers, but also for the cyclists and the pedestrians, who can use a separate path inside the tunnel, which is safe and comfortable. The tunnel also improves the quality of life of the residents of Walferdange, who no longer have to endure the noise and the pollution of the level crossing. The tunnel also enhances the security and the mobility of the region, as it facilitates the access to the emergency services and the public transport.

The tunnel in Walferdange is a great example of how infrastructure can make a difference in the daily life of the people and the community. It is a project that shows the vision and the cooperation of the public authorities and the private partners, who worked together to overcome the difficulties and to deliver a high-quality service. 

#walferdange #tunnel #infrastructure #mobility #qualityoflife