The Hidden Treasures of the Luxembourgish Forests: Mosses and Wood-Mosses

Luxembourg is a country rich in forests, covering 36% of its surface area. Among the many plants that grow in these forests, mosses and wood-mosses are often overlooked, but they play an important role in the ecosystem and biodiversity. 

Mosses and wood-mosses are part of a group of plants called bryophytes. They are ancient plants that have no roots, stems, or flowers, and they reproduce by spores. They usually grow on moist and shady places, such as rocks, soil, logs, or tree trunks.

There are over 20,000 species of bryophytes in the world, and about 600 species are known in Luxembourg.

Mosses and wood-mosses are not only beautiful and diverse, but also beneficial for the forest and the environment. They provide several functions, such as: retaining water, creating microhabitats for insects, spiders and birds, and filtering and purifying water and air.

Therefore, it is important to protect and conserve these plants, and to raise awareness about their value and vulnerability. 

#Luxembourg #Forests #Mosses #WoodMosses #Beauty #Health #Environment