The Capitoline Wolf: A Piece of Rome in Pisa

The Romulus and Remus statue next to the leaning tower of Pisa

This statue is a replica of the famous Capitoline Wolf, a bronze sculpture that depicts the legend of the founding of Rome.

According to the legend, Romulus and Remus were twin brothers who were abandoned by their uncle on the banks of the Tiber river. They were rescued and suckled by a she-wolf, and later founded the city of Rome.

The original sculpture can be seen in the Capitoline Museums in Rome, and it is one of the most iconic symbols of ancient Roman culture.

The replica statue in Pisa was donated by the city of Rome in 1926, as a sign of friendship and gratitude for the support that Pisa gave to Rome during the Risorgimento, the movement for Italian unification.

The statue is placed on a column near the leaning tower of Pisa. The contrast between the dark bronze statue and the white marble tower creates a striking visual effect.

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