Silent Shopping Hours: A New Trend for Hyper-Sensorial Customers

Some supermarkets offer silent shopping hours, which are moments reserved for hyper-sensorial people. Hyper-sensorial people have a heightened sensitivity to sensory stimuli, such as noise, light, and smell.

During silent shopping hours, the supermarket reduces the sensory overload by dimming the lights, switching off the loudspeakers, and limiting the smells. This creates a calm and comfortable environment for hyper-sensorial people, who may otherwise find shopping in a supermarket a stressful and unpleasant experience.

Silent shopping hours are a response to the increasing prevalence of allergies and other hypersensitivities in the population. They are also a way to respect and include the hyper-sensorial community, who often face challenges and discrimination in their daily lives. Silent shopping hours may also appeal to other customers who prefer a more peaceful and relaxing shopping experience.

One of the supermarkets that provides silent shopping hours in Luxembourg is the Auchan Kirchberg shopping center. Silent shopping hours are an example of how supermarkets can adapt and improve their services to meet the needs and expectations of their customers.

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