Richard Koch: The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Achieving More with Less

Well, let’s apply a distorted pareto principle for this evaluation: 80% of the stars given.

More seriously: the topic is interesting and tempting, but definitely not enough for a complete book. The author repeats the same idea over and over again, without providing much depth or evidence. He also makes some sweeping generalizations and assumptions that are not always convincing or realistic.

I was really motivated to explore the reasoning, but I was quite bored. The book lacked originality and creativity, and it did not offer any practical or actionable steps on how to apply the 80/20 principle in different contexts. It was more like a collection of anecdotes and examples that were not very relevant or inspiring.

Or am I already applying this principle too well on a daily basis? Maybe I am too familiar with the concept and I expected more from the book. Or maybe I am too skeptical and critical of the author’s claims and arguments.

Either way, I did not find the book very useful or enjoyable.