Inside the Bicherbus

As you were many to ask me, in this post, I’ll show you how the Bicherbus looks like from inside.

It’s not just a bus with some shelves, it’s a cozy and comfortable space where you can browse, read, and borrow books of all kinds.

The Bicherbus has bookshelves on both sides, with books arranged by genre, language, and age group. The books are stored in a safe way, so they don’t fall off or get damaged during the ride.

There is even a reading corner with a sofa and a lamp, where you can sit and enjoy a book before you decide to take it home. And of course, there is a desk for the library employee, where you can register your rental and get a receipt.

The Bicherbus is a wonderful service that brings joy and knowledge to many people. It’s like a mini-library on wheels, with a friendly and helpful staff.

If you ever see a Bicherbus on the road, don’t hesitate to hop on and discover the world of books. You might find something that will surprise you, inspire you, or make you smile.

#bicherbus #luxembourg #library #books #culture