Discover the Tranquil Beauty of the Luxembourgish Countryside

Luxembourg, though small in size, offers a vast expanse of natural beauty that is easily accessible from the city. The country’s compact nature means that you can quickly escape the urban hustle and find yourself surrounded by lush greenery and serene landscapes.

Quick Escape to Nature

One of the greatest advantages of Luxembourg’s tiny size is the ease with which you can reach the countryside. Within minutes, you can leave the city behind and immerse yourself in the tranquility of nature. This makes Luxembourg an ideal destination for those seeking a quick and refreshing getaway.

Biking on Scenic Paths

On beautiful sunny evenings, there’s nothing better than biking along Luxembourg’s extensive network of bicycle paths. The country boasts around 600 kilometers of cycling routes and an additional 700 kilometers of mountain bike trails. This extensive network ranks Luxembourg highly in Europe, especially when considering its size of just 2,586 square kilometers. This means Luxembourg has approximately 0.23 kilometers of bike paths per square kilometer, making it one of the most bike-friendly countries in Europe.

Idyllic Landscapes

The Luxembourgish countryside is dotted with picturesque villages, rolling hills, and idyllic landscapes. A perfect example is the area near Mersch, north of Luxembourg City. Here, you can witness stunning sunsets over fields with grazing cows and other animals, creating a postcard-worthy scene.

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