Chris Hirst: No Bullsh*t Leadership: Why the World Needs More Everyday Leaders and Why That Leader Is You

This book is a practical and inspiring guide for anyone who wants to become a better leader in their personal or professional life. The author, Chris Hirst, is a successful CEO who shares his insights and experiences on how to lead with clarity, confidence and impact. He argues that leadership is not a talent or a title, but a skill that can be learned and practiced by anyone.

The book is full of useful tips and tricks on how to communicate effectively, make decisions, motivate people, deal with challenges, and create a positive culture. For example, he advises leaders to use simple and direct language, to avoid jargon and acronyms, and to be honest and transparent. He also suggests leaders to ask for feedback, to admit their mistakes, and to learn from them. He quotes one of his mentors who said: “The only thing worse than making a mistake is not learning from it.”

I found this book very helpful and reassuring as a manager. It confirmed some of the principles and practices that I already follow, and it also challenged me to improve some areas that I need to work on. It made me realize that leadership is not about being perfect or having all the answers, but about being authentic and adaptable. It also inspired me to take more initiative and responsibility in my role, and to empower others to do the same.

I think this book is a must-read for all managers, whether they are new or experienced, as well as for anyone who wants to develop their leadership skills. It is an easy and straightforward read that offers valuable insights and advice that can be applied in any situation. It is one of the best books on leadership that I have ever read.