
  • The Dutch Summer

    The Dutch Summer

    The Dutch summer. Until last week, this summer has been quite rainy and cold in the Netherlands. Exactly the opposite of what you have at the Mediterranean coasts. Even in this weather, it is extremely “gezellig” to spend some time in one of the many strandpaviljoens. The pouring rain outside and a hot chocolate at… Read more

  • Markermeer: one of the most beautiful lakes in the Netherlands

    Markermeer: one of the most beautiful lakes in the Netherlands

    The Markermeer is a vast and spectacular lake in the north of the Netherlands. It was made by the impressive Houtribdijk, a dike that cut it off from the sea. With its 700 km2, it is bigger than Singapore and is a wonderful refuge for hundreds of thousands of waterbirds. It is also a vital… Read more

  • Shopping and Biking in the Netherlands

    Shopping and Biking in the Netherlands

    You know that you are in the Netherlands when you can buy bicycle bells in the supermarket. But did you know that there are more bikes than people in this country? Here are some more amazing facts about the Dutch cycling culture: • There are over 881,000 bikes in Amsterdam alone, which is four times… Read more