
  • A Colorful Encounter at the Nordpool of Colmar-Berg

    A Colorful Encounter at the Nordpool of Colmar-Berg

    Recently, I decided to go for a weekend swim at the Nordpool of Colmar-Berg, Luxembourg, a beautiful aquatic centre with sports and leisure areas. As I approached the entrance, I was greeted by a very unusual sight: a woman with a large and colourful Macaw Parrot siting quietly on her hand. I was curious about… Read more

  • A Historical Gem with a Modern Twist: The Tax Office Building in Clervaux

    A Historical Gem with a Modern Twist: The Tax Office Building in Clervaux

    The building of the “Administration des contributions directes” in Clervaux is a beautiful example of architectural renovation.  It was originally built in 1905, and it served as a post office, a bank, and a school before becoming a tax office in 1978. It was refurbished and modernized in 2010, and it received a prize for… Read more

  • The Blue Bridge: A Scenic Spot in Walferdange

    The Blue Bridge: A Scenic Spot in Walferdange

    The blue bridge in Walferdange is more than just a way to cross the river. It’s also a stunning sight to behold. It’s a pedestrian cable bridge over the Alzette river that connects the town center with the railway station. It was recently renovated and reopened to the public, offering a safe and scenic way… Read more

  • The Winter of Floods: A Challenging Winter In Luxembourg

    The Winter of Floods: A Challenging Winter In Luxembourg

    Luxembourg is known for its mild and rainy climate, but this winter has been exceptionally wet and humid.  According to the meteorological service, in January and February Luxembourg has received up to 80% more rainfall than the average for this period. This has caused several rivers to overflow their banks, flooding roads, fields, and houses.… Read more

  • Buergbrennen: A Fiery Celebration of Spring in Luxembourg

    Buergbrennen: A Fiery Celebration of Spring in Luxembourg

    The Buergbrennen is a traditional celebration that marks the end of winter and the arrival of spring, with origins dating back to pagan and Christian customs. The Buergbrennen is celebrated in different ways across Luxembourg, but the main element is always a huge bonfire that is lit at dusk. The shape, size, and material of… Read more

  • Silent Shopping Hours: A New Trend for Hyper-Sensorial Customers

    Silent Shopping Hours: A New Trend for Hyper-Sensorial Customers

    Some supermarkets offer silent shopping hours, which are moments reserved for hyper-sensorial people. Hyper-sensorial people have a heightened sensitivity to sensory stimuli, such as noise, light, and smell. During silent shopping hours, the supermarket reduces the sensory overload by dimming the lights, switching off the loudspeakers, and limiting the smells. This creates a calm and… Read more

  • Laval Park: a Green Oasis in Luxemburg City

    Laval Park: a Green Oasis in Luxemburg City

    The Laval Park is a relaxing and natural spot in Luxembourg City, located in the Pfaffenthal district, near the Alzette river. It is one of the oldest and most charming parks in the city, with a history dating back to the 19th century. The Laval Park covers an area of about 2 hectares, and it… Read more

  • The Wooden Bridge of Walferdange

    The Wooden Bridge of Walferdange

    The wooden bridge is a pedestrian and bicycle bridge that connects the Cité Grand-Duc Jean and the Walfer school. It spans over the Alzette river, offering a nice view of the water and the surrounding nature. The bridge is covered by a wooden roof, which gives it a cozy and rustic feel. The wooden bridge… Read more

  • A Dragon in the Forest of Walferdange

    A Dragon in the Forest of Walferdange

    This amazing tree was spotted in the forest near Walferdange, Luxembourg. It has a twisted trunk and branches that resemble the body and limbs of a mythical creature. The tree seems to be guarding the path, ready to breathe fire at any intruder. #forest #walk #forestwalk #tree #walferdange #luxembourg🇱🇺 Read more

  • The Hidden Beauty of the Luxembourgish Ardennes in Winter

    The Hidden Beauty of the Luxembourgish Ardennes in Winter

    It is a little bit more than a week ago that a snowfall transformed the country into a winter wonderland. The thick and white layer didn’t last too long, but it is so nice to remember it. One of the best places to enjoy the winter scenery is the North of Luxembourg, also called the… Read more