
  • The Tunnel in Walferdange: A Real Improvement Since Four Years

    The Tunnel in Walferdange: A Real Improvement Since Four Years

    Do you still remember how frustrating it was to be stuck in traffic at the level crossing in Walferdange, waiting for the train to pass?  Time flies so quickly: the tunnel between Helmsange and Walferdange was inaugurated exactly four years ago on 14 September 2020.  It was a remarkable engineering feat that took more than… Read more

  • The Defiant Stand of Walferdange’s Student Teachers in Luxembourg: Remembering 2 September 1942

    The Defiant Stand of Walferdange’s Student Teachers in Luxembourg: Remembering 2 September 1942

    The catalyst for this defiance was set on 30 August 1942, when Gustav Simon, the head of the civil administration of Nazi-occupied Luxembourg, mandated compulsory military service for those born between 1920 and 1924, later including the 1925 to 1927 cohorts. He also declared the automatic bestowal of German nationality upon these conscripts at their… Read more

  • Embrace the Tranquility of a Luxembourgish Summer

    Embrace the Tranquility of a Luxembourgish Summer

    Luxembourg, a hidden gem in the heart of Europe, offers a summer experience like no other. With its mild temperatures, lush green forests, and serene atmosphere, it’s the perfect destination for a staycation. Mild Temperatures and Verdant Landscapes During the summer months, Luxembourg enjoys pleasantly mild temperatures, typically ranging from 20°C to 25°C. This clement… Read more

  • Discover the Tranquil Beauty of the Luxembourgish Countryside

    Discover the Tranquil Beauty of the Luxembourgish Countryside

    Luxembourg, though small in size, offers a vast expanse of natural beauty that is easily accessible from the city. The country’s compact nature means that you can quickly escape the urban hustle and find yourself surrounded by lush greenery and serene landscapes. Quick Escape to Nature One of the greatest advantages of Luxembourg’s tiny size… Read more

  • Luxembourg Central Station: Historic Charm and Modern Innovation

    Luxembourg Central Station: Historic Charm and Modern Innovation

    Luxembourg Central Station, known locally as Gare Lëtzebuerg was originally opened on October 4, 1859. The station was initially constructed entirely from timber. This wooden structure was replaced between 1907 and 1913 by the current building, designed by German architects Rüdell, Jüsgen, and Scheuffel in the Moselle Baroque Revival style. This style, characterised by its… Read more

  • Echternach’s Enchanted Mirror

    Echternach’s Enchanted Mirror

    In the heart of Luxembourg, the Echternach Lake is a impressive body of water; it’s an artificial marvel that mirrors the sky and the rich history of its surroundings. Created in the 1970s, this 30-hectare expanse shows how human ingenuity can transform the landscape into a recreational paradise. As summer graces the region, the lake… Read more

  • Echternach’s Enchantment: A Stroll Above the Waters

    Echternach’s Enchantment: A Stroll Above the Waters

    In Luxembourg, the lake of Echternach serves as a serene escape for both locals and tourists. Encircling this tranquil body of water is a beautifully crafted promenade, adorned with charming wooden bridges and elegant pavilions. As you meander along this scenic pathway, you unveil picturesque views and a sense of peace that only nature can… Read more

  • A Fairytale Playground in the Heart of Luxembourg

    A Fairytale Playground in the Heart of Luxembourg

    Nestled in the charming neighbourhood of Belair, Luxembourg, stands a playground that seems to have leaped out of the pages of a storybook. The Themed Castle Playground is a marvel of imagination and craftsmanship, offering a wooden fortress that invites children to explore and dream. Luxembourg is renowned for its commitment to creating high-quality play… Read more

  • Place d’Armes: The Historic Square of Luxembourg

    Place d’Armes: The Historic Square of Luxembourg

    In the core of Luxembourg City lies Place d’Armes, a square that resonates with the heartbeat of the nation. This storied place reflects the grandeur of Luxembourg’s past and pulsates with the vibrant rhythms of contemporary life. A Storied Past Historically, after a significant fire in 1554, the square was planned as part of the… Read more

  • Farm Animals of Luxembourg: A Journey With Friendly Encounters

    Farm Animals of Luxembourg: A Journey With Friendly Encounters

    Besides its vibrant financial centre, Luxembourg is known for its lush landscapes and verdant forests. Amidst this greenery, one can encounter a variety of farm animals that contribute to the country’s pastoral charm and agricultural heritage. Cows and Dairy Production The dairy cows of Luxembourg are a common sight, grazing peacefully in the prairies. These… Read more