
  • Jogging in The Heart of the City

    Jogging in The Heart of the City

    If you are looking for a place to run in Újpest, you should check out the Semsey park, where a new, ankle-friendly jogging path was built in 2017. The path is 343 meters long and has a rubberized surface that reduces the impact on your joints. The path is also surrounded by trees, which provide… Read more

  • The Gerbeaud Café

    The Gerbeaud Café

    The Gerbaud café on the Vörösmarty Square, Budapest, Hungary, is one of the most famous and elegant cafés in Europe. It has a stunning interior design that will make you feel like you are in a palace. The Gerbaud café was founded in 1858 by Henrik Kugler, a confectioner who learned his craft in Paris.… Read more

  • A Little Princess in Budapest  

    A Little Princess in Budapest  

    This charming sculpture on the Danube Promenade, near the Chain Bridge in Budapest, Hungary is called “Kiskirálylány a 7 szerencsehozó szobor”, which means “Little Princess with the 7 Lucky Charms”. The statue was created by László Marton, a famous and award-winning Hungarian sculptor, in 1972. He was inspired by his eldest daughter, who often played… Read more

  • The Orbital Animation: A Tribute to the Blue Marble at the Light Art Museum in Budapest

    The Orbital Animation: A Tribute to the Blue Marble at the Light Art Museum in Budapest

    This is the “Orbital”, a digital video animation by the Slovak artist Svätopluk Mikyta at the Light Art Museum in Budapest, Hungary. The animation is based on a series of ten different glass spheres, which are also exhibited in the museum. The spheres are inspired by the famous photograph of the Earth taken by the… Read more

  • Margitsziget’s Plane-trees: A Magical Walk Through Budapest’s Past And Present

    Margitsziget’s Plane-trees: A Magical Walk Through Budapest’s Past And Present

    The plane-trees of the big island of Budapest, the Margitsziget, one of the enchanting sights of the city. These majestic trees line the main avenue of the island, creating a natural canopy that shades the pedestrians and cyclists below. The plane-trees are among the oldest and largest trees on the island, some of them dating… Read more

  • The Luminart Museum: A Unique and Interactive Exhibition of Light Art in Budapest

    The Luminart Museum: A Unique and Interactive Exhibition of Light Art in Budapest

    The Luminart Museum (LAM) in Budapest is a unique, temporary exhibition space that showcases the works of nearly 40 artists from around the world. It is located in the historic Hold Street Market Hall, which has been transformed into a magical realm of light, sound, and storytelling. The LAM offers you a chance to explore… Read more

  • The Rubik Cube: A Puzzle that Changed the World

    The Rubik Cube: A Puzzle that Changed the World

    The Rubik Cube is one of the most famous and bestselling toys, with hundreds of millions of cubes sold in the world. The Rubik Cube was created by Ernő Rubik, a Hungarian architect and professor, in 1974. He originally called it the Magic Cube, and he used it as a teaching tool for his students.… Read more

  • What About Living in a Water Tower?

    What About Living in a Water Tower?

    The Water Tower (Víztorony) is one of the most iconic landmarks of the Margaret Island (Margitsziget) in Budapest. a green oasis in the middle of the Danube river. It was built in 1911 in Art Nouveau style, and today it serves as an exhibition hall. In the past, the upper floor was the home for… Read more

  • Budapest’s Horse Carriages: A Journey Through the Past and the Present

    Budapest’s Horse Carriages: A Journey Through the Past and the Present

    Horse carriages have a long and rich history in Europe, especially in the former Austria-Hungary monarchy, where they were used by the imperial family, the nobility, and the common people for various purposes. The most famous and elegant horse carriages were the fiakers, which were named after the French word for a taxi stand. The… Read more

  • Oktogon: A Historic Metro Station and a Modern Art Installation

    Oktogon: A Historic Metro Station and a Modern Art Installation

    The Oktogon metro station, one of the oldest and most beautiful metro stations in Budapest. The station is located under the Oktogon intersection, where the Grand Boulevard and Andrássy Avenue meet.  The station is part of the M1 (Millennium Underground) line, the first metro line in Budapest and the second oldest in the world, after… Read more