Book reviews

  • Jodie Cook: Instagram Rules: The Essential Guide to Building Brands, Business and Community

    Jodie Cook: Instagram Rules: The Essential Guide to Building Brands, Business and Community

    ‘Instagram Rules: The Essential Guide to Building Brands, Business and Community’ by Jodie Cook is a book that teaches you how to use Instagram effectively for your personal or professional goals. Whether you want to promote your brand, grow your business, or connect with your community, this book will show you how to do it… Read more

  • Jean Marie Guéhenno: Le premier XXIᵉ siècle – De la globalisation à l’émiettement du monde

    Jean Marie Guéhenno: Le premier XXIᵉ siècle – De la globalisation à l’émiettement du monde

    Le premier XXIᵉ siècle est un essai ambitieux et novateur qui propose une analyse géopolitique des vingt premières années de notre siècle. L’auteur, Jean-Marie Guéhenno, est un diplomate et un ancien secrétaire adjoint des Nations Unies, qui a une expérience et une vision globales des enjeux actuels. Il nous livre un bilan lucide et sans… Read more

  • Cal Newport: A World Without Email

    Cal Newport: A World Without Email

    The title of this book is catchy, but it does not really reflect the main topic, which is how to improve the way we work in the digital age. The author presents a compelling argument that email and other forms of constant communication are detrimental to our productivity and well-being, but he does not offer… Read more

  • Richard Koch: The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Achieving More with Less

    Richard Koch: The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Achieving More with Less

    Well, let’s apply a distorted pareto principle for this evaluation: 80% of the stars given. More seriously: the topic is interesting and tempting, but definitely not enough for a complete book. The author repeats the same idea over and over again, without providing much depth or evidence. He also makes some sweeping generalizations and assumptions… Read more

  • Zillow Talk: The New Rules of Real Estate

    Zillow Talk: The New Rules of Real Estate

    This book provides a useful summary of the insights that Zillow, a leading online real estate platform, has gained from analyzing millions of data points on the housing market. The authors reveal the new rules of real estate that can help buyers, sellers, and investors make smarter decisions. The book covers topics such as the… Read more

  • Chris Hirst: No Bullsh*t Leadership: Why the World Needs More Everyday Leaders and Why That Leader Is You

    Chris Hirst: No Bullsh*t Leadership: Why the World Needs More Everyday Leaders and Why That Leader Is You

    This book is a practical and inspiring guide for anyone who wants to become a better leader in their personal or professional life. The author, Chris Hirst, is a successful CEO who shares his insights and experiences on how to lead with clarity, confidence and impact. He argues that leadership is not a talent or… Read more