
  • Go Tell It On The Mountain

    Go Tell It On The Mountain

    “Great things are done when men and mountains meet.” – William Blake(Salzburg, Austria) #austria #austria #austria🇦🇹 #salzburg #salzburg #salzburg🇦🇹 #salzburgstadt #spring #springtime #spring #mountains #mountains #mountainsview #mountainscape Read more

  • Drink water!

    Drink water!

    “Water is life’s matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water.” – Albert Szent-Györgyi (Landzeit Restaurant near Vienna) #water #fontaine #waterfontaine #waterfontaines #landzeit #austria #vienna #viennalove #viennagram #viennafood Read more

  • Music is forever

    Music is forever

    “The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.” – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart music #mozart #wolfgangamadeusmozart #stgilgenamwolfgangsee #austria #austria_memories Read more