Back to school!

Back to school!

The summer holidays in Europe vary a lot depending on the country and even the region.

Some German regions and Nordic countries, such as Finland and Norway, restart schools already at the beginning of August, after only six or seven weeks of break. On the other hand, some countries, such as Italy and Portugal, have almost three months of holidays, from mid-June to mid-September. Luxembourg is among the latecomers, with a restart on 15th September, after ten weeks of break.

The reasons for these differences are historical, cultural, and climatic. For example, in Germany, the summer holidays are staggered across 16 federal states to avoid traffic jams and overcrowding of tourist destinations.

In Nordic countries, the summer holidays are shorter because they also have longer winter breaks and more public holidays throughout the year. In Southern Europe, the summer holidays are longer because of the hot weather.

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