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  • Porto Cathedral: A Monument of History, Culture, and Art in Portugal

    Porto Cathedral: A Monument of History, Culture, and Art in Portugal

    The amazing interior of the Porto Cathedral, which is one of the oldest and most important monuments in the city. The Porto Cathedral, also known as Sé do Porto, is a Roman Catholic church that dates back to the 12th century. It has been rebuilt and renovated several times over the centuries, resulting in a… Read more

  • Jean Marie Guéhenno: Le premier XXIᵉ siècle – De la globalisation à l’émiettement du monde

    Jean Marie Guéhenno: Le premier XXIᵉ siècle – De la globalisation à l’émiettement du monde

    Le premier XXIᵉ siècle est un essai ambitieux et novateur qui propose une analyse géopolitique des vingt premières années de notre siècle. L’auteur, Jean-Marie Guéhenno, est un diplomate et un ancien secrétaire adjoint des Nations Unies, qui a une expérience et une vision globales des enjeux actuels. Il nous livre un bilan lucide et sans… Read more

  • A Colourful Journey Through the Autumn Sky

    A Colourful Journey Through the Autumn Sky

    The amazing colours of the sky in autumn That nature is the biggest artist. It offers us a colourful palette of beauty and wonder. Autumn is an ideal moment to contemplate its chef d’oeuvres, as the sun sets earlier and creates a stunning contrast with the changing leaves. The colours of the sky are influenced… Read more

  • The Capitoline Wolf: A Piece of Rome in Pisa

    The Capitoline Wolf: A Piece of Rome in Pisa

    The Romulus and Remus statue next to the leaning tower of Pisa This statue is a replica of the famous Capitoline Wolf, a bronze sculpture that depicts the legend of the founding of Rome. According to the legend, Romulus and Remus were twin brothers who were abandoned by their uncle on the banks of the… Read more

  • Autumn Vibes: A Tree That Reminds Me of Wine

    Autumn Vibes: A Tree That Reminds Me of Wine

    There’s something magical about the autumn colors. They make everything look more vibrant and alive. This tree caught my eye with its stunning bordeaux leaves. It reminded me of a fine wine.🍷 I love how nature changes with the seasons, and how each one has its own beauty and charm. What’s your favorite thing about… Read more

  • Volendam: A Town Where History, Culture, and Art Meet

    Volendam: A Town Where History, Culture, and Art Meet

    Did you know that Volendam is one of the most charming and traditional towns in the Netherlands? 🇳🇱 This lovely place is famous for its colourful wooden houses, old fishing boats, and local costumes. You can feel the history and culture of this town as you walk along its streets. Volendam was a popular destination… Read more

  • A Tree-mendous Obstacle on My Way Home

    A Tree-mendous Obstacle on My Way Home

    Sometimes, life throws you a curveball. Or in this case, a treeball. I was driving home following my trusty GPS, when I encountered an unexpected obstacle: a bunch of fallen trees blocking my road. Thanks, Mother Nature. 😇 I had to make a U-turn and find another way home. But I didn’t need the GPS… Read more

  • The Ponte Vecchio: A Bridge of History and Beauty in Firenze

    The Ponte Vecchio: A Bridge of History and Beauty in Firenze

    The Ponte Vecchio in Firenze is one of the symbols of that amazing city in Tuscany, Italy. The Ponte Vecchio is a medieval stone bridge that crosses the Arno river, and it is famous for the shops that are built along it. The shops were originally occupied by butchers, tanners, and farmers, but now they… Read more

  • Szaloncukor: The Sweet and Secret History of Hungary’s Christmas Chocolate

    Szaloncukor: The Sweet and Secret History of Hungary’s Christmas Chocolate

    In Hungary, it is a widespread habit to hang foil-wrapped chocolate (szaloncukor) on the Christmas tree. These tiny chocolates exist in all sorts of flavours and wrappings and around this time of year, they are already available in the supermarkets. The high-end quality is beautifully packaged in boxes, but if you are into big quantities… Read more

  • Echternach: The Oldest and Most Dancing City in Luxembourg

    Echternach: The Oldest and Most Dancing City in Luxembourg

    The beautiful city of Echternach is one of the oldest settlements in the eastern part of Luxembourg. Echternach has a rich history and culture, as it has been a religious center for several centuries. It is famous for its abbey, founded in 698 by Saint Willibrord, an English monk who became the first bishop of… Read more