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  • Jogging in The Heart of the City

    Jogging in The Heart of the City

    If you are looking for a place to run in Újpest, you should check out the Semsey park, where a new, ankle-friendly jogging path was built in 2017. The path is 343 meters long and has a rubberized surface that reduces the impact on your joints. The path is also surrounded by trees, which provide… Read more

  • The Gerbeaud Café

    The Gerbeaud Café

    The Gerbaud café on the Vörösmarty Square, Budapest, Hungary, is one of the most famous and elegant cafés in Europe. It has a stunning interior design that will make you feel like you are in a palace. The Gerbaud café was founded in 1858 by Henrik Kugler, a confectioner who learned his craft in Paris.… Read more

  • A Little Princess in Budapest  

    A Little Princess in Budapest  

    This charming sculpture on the Danube Promenade, near the Chain Bridge in Budapest, Hungary is called “Kiskirálylány a 7 szerencsehozó szobor”, which means “Little Princess with the 7 Lucky Charms”. The statue was created by László Marton, a famous and award-winning Hungarian sculptor, in 1972. He was inspired by his eldest daughter, who often played… Read more

  • The Blue Tiles of the Netherlands: A Ceramic Art Form with a Long History and a Charming Museum

    The Blue Tiles of the Netherlands: A Ceramic Art Form with a Long History and a Charming Museum

    The blue tiles are a unique and beautiful expression of Dutch culture and heritage, and they have a long and fascinating story behind them. The blue tiles, also known as Delftware or Delft blue, are a type of tin-glazed earthenware that originated in the 16th century in the city of Delft. They were inspired by… Read more

  • Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Cupid and Psyche in Uffizi Gallery in Florence 

    Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Cupid and Psyche in Uffizi Gallery in Florence 

    Happy Valentine’s Day to all the lovers out there!  Today is a special day to celebrate love and romance, and what better way to do that than to admire one of the most beautiful and touching sculptures in the world: the group of Cupid and Psyche in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. This marble masterpiece… Read more

  • From Caesar to Gouda: The Long and Rich History of Dutch Cheese Production

    From Caesar to Gouda: The Long and Rich History of Dutch Cheese Production

    The Dutch have been making cheese for over 2000 years. Cheese is one of the most important and popular products of the Netherlands, and it has a rich and fascinating history.  The first evidence of cheese production in the Netherlands dates back to 200 BC, when Julius Caesar mentioned it in his book, Bellum Gallicum. … Read more

  • The Lello Bookshop in Porto: A Beautiful Bookstore with a Neo-Gothic Interior and a Painted Plaster Ceiling

    The Lello Bookshop in Porto: A Beautiful Bookstore with a Neo-Gothic Interior and a Painted Plaster Ceiling

    The Lello Bookshop in Porto, Portugal is one of the most beautiful bookshops in the world, and it has a secret that will surprise you.  The Lello Bookshop was opened in 1906 by two brothers, Jose and Antonio Lello, who wanted to create a temple of literature and arts. The bookshop has a neo-Gothic facade… Read more

  • A Visit to the Church of San Michele in Foro: A Romanesque Jewel in Lucca 

    A Visit to the Church of San Michele in Foro: A Romanesque Jewel in Lucca 

    If you are looking for a stunning example of Romanesque architecture in Tuscany, you should not miss the Church of San Michele in Foro in Lucca.  This basilica, built over the ancient Roman forum, dates back to the year 1000 and preserves priceless works of art. The most striking feature of the church is its… Read more

  • Erica Dhawan: Digital Body Language – How to Build Trust and Connection, No Matter the Distance

    Erica Dhawan: Digital Body Language – How to Build Trust and Connection, No Matter the Distance

    Communication is one of the most essential skills in the modern world, especially in the era of remote work and digital collaboration. But how do we communicate effectively when we can’t see each other’s body language, facial expressions, tone of voice, and other nonverbal cues? How do we avoid misunderstandings, confusion, and conflict in our… Read more

  • The Orbital Animation: A Tribute to the Blue Marble at the Light Art Museum in Budapest

    The Orbital Animation: A Tribute to the Blue Marble at the Light Art Museum in Budapest

    This is the “Orbital”, a digital video animation by the Slovak artist Svätopluk Mikyta at the Light Art Museum in Budapest, Hungary. The animation is based on a series of ten different glass spheres, which are also exhibited in the museum. The spheres are inspired by the famous photograph of the Earth taken by the… Read more