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  • Savoring Austria: A Culinary Journey Through Tradition and Taste

    Savoring Austria: A Culinary Journey Through Tradition and Taste

    Embark on a gastronomic adventure through the Austrian countryside, where the kitchen is the heart of heritage and every meal tells a story. Austria’s culinary landscape is a vibrant tapestry woven with hearty flavours and rustic elegance, epitomised by the beloved Bauerschmaus, a farmer’s feast that celebrates the simplicity and richness of local produce. ️Bauerschmaus:… Read more

  • Embracing Inclusion: The Fishing Haven at Echternach Lake

    Embracing Inclusion: The Fishing Haven at Echternach Lake

    In the East of Luxembourg, the Echternach Lake offers more than just picturesque views. It is a testament to the country’s commitment to inclusion and accessibility. Here, a specially designed fishing spot welcomes people in wheelchairs. Luxembourg’s Approach to Inclusion Luxembourg has taken significant strides in fostering an inclusive society. The Ministry for Family Affairs,… Read more

  • Discovering Sagres: A Gem on the Edge of the Atlantic

    Discovering Sagres: A Gem on the Edge of the Atlantic

    Nestled on the southwestern tip of Portugal, Sagres is a serene escape where the land meets the sea in dramatic fashion. This tranquil town offers a rich  history but also boasts some of the most stunning seascapes and beaches in the country, making it a paradise for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. Sagres is… Read more

  • Green, Green, Green: The Lush Palette of Luxembourg’s Gardens

    Green, Green, Green: The Lush Palette of Luxembourg’s Gardens

    As June unfurls its vibrant canvas across Luxembourg, the gardens and forests become a living gallery of green. From the dappled shades in the tranquil Petrusse Valley to the lush expanses of the Kinnékswiss, nature’s own masterpiece is on a grand display. In every corner of the Grand Duchy, from the heart of the city… Read more

  • Symbolism of “Veritas Scientia Artes” in the Romanesque Hall of Budapest’s Museum of Fine Arts

    Symbolism of “Veritas Scientia Artes” in the Romanesque Hall of Budapest’s Museum of Fine Arts

    In Budapest’s Museum of Fine Arts lies the Romanesque Hall, a space that evokes the architectural splendour of medieval times. Among its many fascinating features is an inscription that reads “Veritas, Scientia, Artes,” a Latin phrase that translates to “Truth, Knowledge, Arts.” This inscription encapsulates the essence of the museum’s mission: to be a custodian… Read more

  • Kafka’s Century: A Legacy Carved in Prague’s Heart

    Kafka’s Century: A Legacy Carved in Prague’s Heart

    Kafka’s writing, often blending elements of realism with the fantastical, has left an indelible mark on modern literature. His most renowned works, including “The Metamorphosis,” “The Trial,” and “The Castle,” delve into themes of alienation, existential dread, and the labyrinthine nature of bureaucratic systems. Kafka’s professional life was a stark contrast to his literary pursuits.… Read more

  • Ben Coates: Why the Dutch are Different?

    Ben Coates: Why the Dutch are Different?

    Overview “Why the Dutch are Different” by Ben Coates is a captivating exploration of the Netherlands, a country known for its unique blend of liberalism, prosperity, and cultural distinctiveness. Coates, a UK-born writer who has made the Netherlands his home, delves into the heart of Dutch society, seeking to understand what sets this small yet… Read more

  • Echternach’s Historic Market Square

    Echternach’s Historic Market Square

    Echternach, the oldest city in Luxembourg, is a place where history and culture intertwine, offering visitors a unique glimpse into the past. At the heart of this charming city lies the Place de Marché, a square that is the center of daily life and a testament to the city’s rich heritage. The Denzelt stands as… Read more

  • An Imperial Invitation: The Enchanting Gardens of Gödöllő Castle in Hungary

    An Imperial Invitation: The Enchanting Gardens of Gödöllő Castle in Hungary

    Today, my imaginary special guest, the Empress Elisabeth of Austria extends a personal invitation to explore the enchanting park of Gödöllő Castle, Hungary. Dearest Diary, Today, the sun rose with a gentle promise, and the air was as sweet as the blooming acacias in the park of Gödöllő. It is here, in this verdant sanctuary,… Read more

  • Luxembourg Leads the Charge with Electric Buses

    Luxembourg Leads the Charge with Electric Buses

    In the heart of Europe, Luxembourg is making bold strides in public transportation. The Grand Duchy has embarked on an ambitious plan to electrify its bus fleet, positioning itself as a leader in the adoption of green mobility solutions. Luxembourg’s commitment to electric buses is not just about keeping up with trends; it’s about setting… Read more