Aagtdorp’s Mosaic Bench: A Tribute to Gaudí’s Genius

In the quaint hamlet of Aagtdorp, nestled within the municipality of Bergen and once part of the village of Schoorl, a simple bench stands as a beacon of community spirit and artistic inspiration. Amidst the global pause brought on by the pandemic, the residents of Aagtdorp have found solace in the great outdoors, with walking becoming a cherished pastime. 

It was on one such walk that the locals stumbled upon a bench that instantly evoked memories of the iconic, undulating mosaic bench by Antoni Gaudí in Barcelona’s Park Güell.

Aagtdorp, a small village with just a few hundred inhabitants, has seen a surge in camping within its borders, reflecting its growing popularity as a destination for nature lovers. The active neighbourhood association of Aagtdorp is credited with the creation of this beautiful bench, which not only serves as a place of rest for walkers but also as a symbol of the village’s vibrant community life and its connection to the wider world of art and design.

#AagtdorpArt #SchoorlScenes #BenchTribute #GaudíInspired #CommunityCreation