National Day in Luxembourg: A Celebration of Unity and Tradition

In Luxembourg blends tradition with modernity, which is especially evident during its National Day celebrations. Known locally as ‘Nationalfeierdag,’ this day is officially the birthday of the Grand Duke, although it does not coincide with the actual birth date of any Luxembourgish monarch

The Grand Duke’s Official Birthday: A Historical Overview

The current Grand Duke, Henri, was born on 16 April, yet the National Day is celebrated on 23 June. This date was chosen for practical reasons. 

Historically, the date has shifted with each reign. For instance, Grand Duchess Charlotte’s birthday was on 23 January, but due to the cold weather, it was moved by six months. 

On 23 December 1961, a Grand Ducal decree fixed the celebration on 23 June, a tradition that has continued since 1962.

Festivities and Celebrations

Luxembourg’s National Day is marked by a series of festive events that begin on 22 June. Shops close legally at 18:00 the day before the National Day. 

The official celebrations kick off with the traditional changing of the guard at the Grand Ducal Palace, followed by a torchlight procession known as ‘Fakelzuch,’ which sees various associations marching through the streets of Luxembourg City. 

The day culminates in a spectacular fireworks display at 23:00, lighting up the sky above the Adolphe Bridge.

On the day of 23 June itself, the official défilé takes place, which includes a military parade and a religious service called ‘Te Deum’. The Grand Ducal Family participates in these events, reflecting their connection with the people.

Interesting Facts About National Day

The tradition of celebrating on 23 June dates back only to the 1960s, therefore it is a relatively recent tradition.

The torchlight procession reflects the diversity of Luxembourgish society, with participants from scouts to sports clubs and folklore groups.

The National Day is also an opportunity for the Grand Ducal couple to visit different towns in Luxembourg each year.

Luxembourg’s National Day is a symbol of unity and pride for the nation, bringing together people from all walks of life to honour their history and look forward to their future. It’s a day when the entire country comes alive with joy and patriotism, showcasing the true spirit of Luxembourg.

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